Fusion Vs Fission Energy: 7 Factors You Should Know!

The fusion and fission reactions are two different reactions between the nuclei of the atoms. In this article, we shall discuss the difference between fusion and fission energy.

Fusion energy is stored energy while fission energy is produced by the repulsive force between the charges. The fusion energy is more compared to fission energy. The fusion energy is released on the collision of two atoms while the fission energy is released when the atom splits into two.

Fusion produces less radioactive waste as compared to fission. We shall further discuss the difference between fusion and fission output, the energy density, and the power obtained from both. We shall also discuss in brief the reason behind the high energy released from the fusion than the fission reaction.

Fusion vs Fission Energy Output

The output energy of fusion and fission is the total energy acquired from the process. Let us distinguish between fusion energy and fission energy output.

If the fission energy output is 1 MeV then the fusion energy for the same amount of matter is between 3-4 MeV. The fusion energy is due to the He and H isotopes, neutrons, and beta particles released in the process while the fission energy output is due to the deuterium, tritium, neutrons, and gamma particles.

The energy output is measured using the formula E = mc2, where E is the energy, m is the mass of the particle and c is the velocity of the light wave. The total amount of output energy is the sum of the energies of the total particles produced in the reaction. The amount of energy utilized for the binding of atoms.

Fusion vs Fission Energy Density

The energy density is the total amount of energy stored between the unit volume of the matter. Let us discuss fusion and fission energy density.

The fusion energy density is the stored energy of the matter per unit volume which is high for the element undergone fusion. The fission energy density is less compared to the fusion energy density as the mass of the nuclei fission to give two daughter nuclei and the energy is proportional to the mass of the matter.

How much more powerful is fusion than fission?

The potential of the fusion and fusion reaction depends upon the stored energy and the rigorosity of the reaction. Let us see which of the two is more powerful.

Fusion is more powerful than fission because the potential energy acquired by the atoms in the fusion is more than fission. Fission reduces the total energy of the particle as the mass is reduced by half while, the final mass of the atom is increased in fusion by combining the two atoms.

Why does fusion release more energy than fission?

The energy released from fusion and fission is the total energy produced by the collision and splitting of nuclei. Let us discuss why fusion release more energy than fusion.

Fusion releases more energy than fission because the product acquired from the fusion reaction is through the strong forces combining the two masses and storing a huge amount of energy. Fission gives away the energy of the atom by electromagnetic forces of repulsion utilizing the energy for binding and then bifurcating.

Image Credit: Nuclear reactor by Бахтиёр Абдуллаев (CC-BY-SA-3.0)

Is fusion energy better than fission?

The byproducts and waste matter produced during energy production are considered to distinguish whether the fusion of fission energy is better. Let us talk about the same.

Fusion energy is better than fission because it produces almost no nuclear waste or radioactive waste. No greenhouse gases are released from the fusion energy acquisition process and produce large energy contrary to fission energy. Fission produces long-lived radioactive elements which are environmentally hazardous.

Binding Energy per Nucleon Fusion vs Fission

The binding energy per nucleon is the energy required to break the nuclear bonds and reform the atom. Let us discuss the binding energy per nucleon for fission and fusion.

The binding energy per nucleon in fusion is 7 MeV while in fission it is just 1 MeV per nucleon. In the case of fusion, the small particles are captured into the nucleus while in fission, the particles are released due to the repulsive forces among the like charges decreasing the binding energy per nucleon.


We can conclude from this article, that the fusion energy produced per unit of matter is very high compared to the fission energy. The fusion energy is a stored potential energy per nucleon. It is carried out by the lite atoms while the fission energy is generated by heavy unstable elements and bifurcates reducing the energy per nucleon.

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