Is Adjective A plural Adjective? 5 Facts (Read This First!)

Use of an Adjective as a ‘Plural Adjective’ is all about learning ‘Plural Nouns” as a “Plural Adjective”.

Though traditional adjectives don’t have plural forms but if a noun becomes plural and acts as an adjective in a sentence then that particular adjective can be a ‘Plural Adjective’.

  1. There are lots of video games in the children yard of the mall.
  2. Women literature has become one of the major streams of learning in higher studies.
  3. You should check the scissors factory to buy the scissors which you are looking.
  4. Sandip is going to attend a media interview.
  5. All the parents are requested to attend the teachers meeting tomorrow to know details about progress of your children.

Explanation 1 – Here, the adjective ‘children’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is a plural form of the word ‘Child’ and it is describing the noun ‘yard’.

Explanation 2 – Here, the adjective ‘women’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is describing the noun ‘literature’. We must note down that the term ‘women’ is same in its formation in both singular and plural mode.

Explanation 3 – Here, the adjective ‘scissors’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is describing the noun ‘factory’. We must note down that the term ‘scissors’ is same in its formation in both singular and plural mode.

Explanation 4 – Here, the adjective ‘media’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is describing the noun ‘interview’. We must note down that the term ‘media’ is same in its formation in both singular and plural mode.

Explanation 5 – Here, the adjective ‘teachers’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is a plural form of the word ‘teacher’ and it is describing the noun ‘meeting’.

What are plural adjectives?

‘Plural Adjectives’ are adjectives which refer ‘Plural Form’ of words to describe noun, pronoun or noun equivalent.

We must note that a traditional or authentic singular adjective can not be changed to a plural adjective form. An adjective never changes its formation in either masculine or feminine form. ‘Plural Adjectives’ are mainly plural form of ‘Nouns’ which act as ‘Plural Adjective’.

Example – Teachers room of any school or college must be placed near classroom.

Explanation –

Here, adjective ‘Teachers’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is referring plural mode. We must note that the adjective ‘teachers’ is a plural form of noun which is functioning as a ‘Plural Adjective’.

When is adjective plural adjective?

An adjective is a word which helps to modify or describe noun, pronoun or noun equivalent.

A plural adjective is a word which means more than ‘One Entity’. There are certain rules to be followed in formation of ‘Plural Adjective’. Most of the ‘Plural Adjectives’ are basically plural form of nouns. Thus, rules of making a singular noun to a plural noun and rules of forming plural adjectives are same.

Now, let’s go through the rules to be followed while forming ‘Plural Adjectives’.

Rule 1 – Most of the time, we add ‘s’ to the singular mode of noun adjective to make it a ‘Plural Adjective’.

Rule 2 – Sometime, we add ‘es’ to the singular mode of noun adjective to make it a ‘Plural Adjective’.

Rule 3 – Singular forms of noun adjective which end with ‘x’ or ‘z’ do not change its formation in the plural mode.

Rule 4 – Singular form which ends with ‘al’ must alter itself to the ‘-aux’ at the end in ‘Plural Mode’.

Rule 5 – There are certain words which always occur in ‘Plural Mode’ as there is no singular mode of those words.

Rule 6 – We add ‘ves’ to the singular mode of nouns which ends with ‘f’ or ‘fe’.

Rule 7 – We add ‘oes’ to the singular mode of nouns which ends with ‘o’.

Rule 8 – We add change ‘us’ to ‘i’ to form a plural adjective form.

Rule 9 – There are some exceptions in formation of plural adjective in the case of ‘Compound Words’.

Example – We are proud that our school runs a local news channel for its local inhabitants.

Explanation –

Here, the adjective ‘news’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is referring ‘Plural Mode’. The term ‘news’ always occurs in plural mode as there is no singular form of ‘news’.

Why is adjective plural adjective?

An adjective sometime performs as a plural adjective because it wants to be meant any of the following.

  1. More than one living entity
  2. More than one non-living entity
  3. More than one place
  4. More than one object
  5. More than one emotion                     
  6. More than one aspect
  7. More than one medium
  8. More than one subject
  9. More than one topic etc.

Example – Now-a-days, media report is unbelievable because it can create a chaos from any small thing.

Explanation –

Here, the adjective ‘media’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as the term ‘media’ is itself a ‘Plural Number.

How is adjective plural adjective?

When an adjective refers more than one living being, non-living entity, emotions, aspects etc. then it can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’.

Most of the time a ‘Plural Adjective’ is a ‘Noun Adjective’. It is not always necessary that  the noun, pronoun or noun equivalent described or modified by a plural adjective will also be in plural form.

Example – We are more proud for our girls hockey team than our men hockey team.

Explanation –

Here, adjective ‘girls’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is referring ‘Plural Mode’. We must note that the adjective ‘girls’ is a plural form of noun which is functioning as a ‘Plural Adjective’.

Use of plural adjectives in sentences –

Example 1 – Pijush likes to reside in the boys hostel of his college rather than a rented room.

Explanation– Here, the adjective ‘boys’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is a plural form of the word ‘boy’ and it is describing the noun ‘hostel’.

Example 2 – Mina wants to work in a news channel.

Explanation – Here, the adjective ‘news’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is describing the noun ‘channel’. We must note down that the term ‘news’ is same in its formation in both singular and plural mode.

Example 3 – You should store all wardrobes and shelf in your furniture room.

Explanation – Here, the adjective ‘furniture’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is describing the noun ‘room’. We must note down that the term ‘furniture’ is same in its formation in both singular and plural mode.

Example 4 – You should go immediately to the police station to inform about the robbery.

Explanation – Here, the adjective ‘police’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is describing the noun ‘station’. We must note down that the term ‘police’ is same in its formation in both singular and plural mode.

Example 5 – We are taking our son to the nearby deer park to spend our Christmas.

Explanation – Here, the adjective ‘deer’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is describing the noun ‘park’. We must note down that the term ‘deer’ is same in its formation in both singular and plural mode.

Example 6 – here is a residents meeting in our hostel about coming festival.

Explanation– Here, the adjective ‘resident’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is a plural form of the word ‘resident’ and it is describing the noun ‘meeting’.

Example 7 – It has become tradition to be a part of students union in colleges and universities.

Explanation– Here, the adjective ‘students’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is a plural form of the word ‘student’ and it is describing the noun ‘union’.

Example 8 – We must have some good colour print out to see meteors pictures.

Explanation – Here, the adjective ‘meteors’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is describing the noun ‘picture’.

Example 9 – You should take care of your sheep as sheep catchers are coming in this way.

Explanation – Here, the adjective ‘sheep’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is describing the noun ‘catchers’. We must note down that the term ‘sheep’ is same in its formation in both singular and plural mode.

Example 10 – Teachers room in the school is always a center of attraction for students.

Explanation– Here, the adjective ‘teachers’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is a plural form of the word ‘teacher’ and it is describing the noun ‘room’.

Example 11 – Please, tell me the location of girls toilet.

Explanation– Here, the adjective ‘girls’ can be marked as a ‘Plural Adjective’ as it is a plural form of the word ‘girl’ and it is describing the noun ‘toilet’.

Conclusion –

Plural adjectives are most of the time plural form of ‘Noun Adjectives’.