Is Magnetic Flux Constant: 9 Important Facts

The magnetic flux is constant through the material at a constant magnetic field and does not vary with time. But is magnetic flux constant for the variable field, then the answer is definitely no.

The magnetic flux is a result of the alignment of dipoles in the direction of the field. The magnetic flux is responsible for intensifying the magnetic field through the conductor. The total number of magnetic flux penetrating through the material remains constant.

When magnetic flux is constant?

The magnetic flux is constant if the magnetic field is constant, and also, for the electromagnetic field, the induced voltage has to be stable.

The magnetic flux is a product of the area of the material kept in the field and the magnetic field. The magnetic flux through any material held in the magnetic field remains constant because the area of the magnetizing material is invariable.

How magnetic flux is constant?

The magnetic flux depends upon the area and the magnetic field.

The magnetic flux is the imaginary lines penetrating through the area of a conductor kept in a magnetic field. Since the area of the conductor is invariable, the magnetic flux is constant.

Consider a material kept in a magnetic field. Let da be the small area of a segment of the material through which the magnetic flux of φ is passing through the conductor. The magnetic flux lines make an angle θ with the normal of the material.

is magnetic flux constant
The magnetic flux through a material

The magnetic flux passing through this unit area da is the product of the magnetic field in which the material is present, the area of this segment, and the angle made by the magnetic flux with the normal of the material that defines the direction of the magnetic flux through the material.

The expression for the magnetic flux through the small area is written as,


Integrating this equation, we get:


Here, φ is magnetic flux, B is a magnetic field, A is the area of the magnetizing material, and θ is an angle made by the magnetic flux with the normal of the material.

The total number of the magnetic field is the maximum if θ and is zero if θ =900. The number of flux lines passing through the material in a unit area of the material is constant.

The strength of the magnetic field is consistent throughout that depending upon the number of flux lines penetrating through the material kept in a magnetic field. A magnetic force is exerted on the free electrons present in the conducting material with a variable magnetic flux.

Why magnetic flux is constant?

The magnetic flux occurs as a close loop forming around the conductor and perpendicular to the direction of the flow of electric charges.

The strength of the magnetic flux is constant at all parts along the loop. The total number of electric dipoles through the material depends upon the field in which the material is present and is responsible for a constant magnetic flux.

The formation of the magnetic field through the conductor depends upon the number of free electrons available in the material and the alignment of the electric dipoles. As the current is passed through the material, the electric particles get charged and try to align themselves in the direction of the field.

Based on the type of material present in the field, the number of dipoles gets aligned in the direction of the field, intensifying the magnetic flux and hence the magnetic strength of the field.

Is magnetic flux always constant?

The magnetic flux is always constant and remains unvaried until the voltage produced in the coil fluctuates, or the area of the conductor is varied.

The magnetic flux also changes if the direction of the magnetic field changes. If all the conditions essential to set up the magnetic flux remain constant, then the magnetic flux is also consistent through the circuit.

When magnetic flux is not constant?

The magnetic flux may not be constant if the permeability of the material varies at every area of the material.

The density of the magnetic flux is the force acting on the unit area of the conducting material because of the penetrating magnetic flux. The permeability of the material is the capacity of the material to resist the flow of the magnetic flux through it that may result in variation in the magnetic strength through the conductor.

How magnetic flux is not constant?

The magnetic flux is in the form of loops emerging from one pole and entering another pole of the conducting material.

The magnetic flux is dense around the area of the conducting material, and the distance between every parallel loop increases as we move away from the conducting material. The magnetic flux can be variable at every small segment of the material.

The net magnetic flux is the sum of all the magnetic flux penetrating through the conductor. It is constant at a local area at a point and varies with distance as the strength of the magnetic flux decreases. The variable magnetic field induces an electromagnetic force on the dipoles of the conductor.

Is magnetic flux density constant?

The magnetic flux density is the total number of magnetic flux lines penetrating through the unit area of the conductor.

The magnetic flux density through the material depends upon the type of the material, and the total force exerted on the dipoles in the material and is continuous.

The magnetic flux density is calculated using the following formula,




is a magnetic flux density, φ is a magnetic flux, and A is a area.

In the case of the ferromagnetic material, the magnetic flux density is the maximum because the magnetic dipoles are already aligned in the direction of the magnetic field. Hence, the magnetic flux lines penetrating through the material are more.

The magnetic flux density through the material is constant for a given magnetizing material kept in a field. The magnetic flux through every unit area of the material is endless.

What is the magnetic flux in between the area of 20 cm2 having a magnetic field strength of 3.5T and 4.9T?

Given: The magnetic flux through area 1 is, B1=3.5 T

The magnetic flux through area 2 is, B2=4.9T

The area under consideration is, A=20cm2=0.2* m2

The formula to calculate the magnetic flux is given as,


Substituting the values in this expression, we get:-

gif.latex?%5Cphi%20%3D0.2%5C%20m%5E2%5Ctimes%20%5Cleft%20%28%204.9 3.5%20%5Cright%20%29%5C%20T%20%5C%5C%20%3D0.2%5C%20m%5E2%5Ctimes%201.4%5C%20T%5C%5C%20%3D0

The magnetic field between the region having the magnetic field 3.5T to 4.9T is 0.28 Wb.

What is the magnetic flux through the loop having a radius of 2 cm and is 300 with the normal of the conductor in the magnetic field of 1T?

Given: B = 1T

The radius of a loop is, r = 2 cm= 0.02 m.

The angle between the flux and the normal of the conductor is, θ=300

The area of a loop is,

The formula to calculate the magnetic flux through the loop is,


Substituting the given values in this formula, we get:

gif.latex?%5Cphi%20%3D1.26%5Ctimes%2010%5E%7B 3%7D%20m%5E2%5Ctimes%201T%5Ctimes%20cos30%5E0%5C%5C%20%3D1.26%5Ctimes%2010%5E%7B 3%7D%20m%5E2%5Ctimes%201T%5Ctimes%200.8660%5C%5C%20%3D1.1%5Ctimes%2010%5E%7B 3%7D%20Wb%5C%5C%20%3D1

Hence, the magnetic flux through a loop is 1.1 milli Weber.


The magnetic flux is constant and occurs in a continuous loop perpendicular to the motion of the electric dipoles in the magnetic material. The magnetic flux may vary with the variable magnetic field because the area of the conductor is constant.

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