Is Object A Proper Noun: 7 Important Facts You Should Know

Let’s try to find facts related to the question ‘Is Object A Proper Noun?’.

An ‘Object’ can be a ‘Proper Noun’ if it is name of any specific name, place, person or animal which has been used as ‘Object’ in that specific sentence.

Can object be a proper noun?

Yes, Object can be a ‘Proper Noun’.At first, we need to know the concept of ‘Object’. An object must be a “Noun” or “Pronoun” which used to be governed by any verb or by any preposition. Now, it is clear that an object can be a noun. There are various types of noun, like; proper noun, common noun, collective noun etc. An object can be any of these nouns.

An ‘Object’ can be a ‘Proper Noun’ if it is name of any specific

  1. Person
  2. Place
  3. Animal
  4. Object or
  5. Thing

Example – Sandip is going to win over Pradip in the coming chess match.

Explanation –

Here, ‘Pradip’ is a ‘Proper Noun’ and receiver of the action. Thus, we can state that the “Proper Noun” Pradip is “Direct Object” of this respective sentence.

Why objects are proper nouns?

Objects can be called ‘Proper Noun’ if it is a specific name and receiver of the action in that respective sentence. We can also identify a proper noun with the clue that a proper noun must always start with a ‘Capital Letter’.

Example – Rina will score Rajasthan with ten out of ten marks on the basis of tourism.

Explanation –

Here, the object “Rajasthan” is name of a particular place and receiver of the action. Thus, we can mark the direct object “Rajasthan” as a “Proper Noun”.

When objects are proper nouns?

An object can be marked as proper noun in below listed situations.

Situation One – If the receiver of the action in the respective sentence is name of a particular person.

Situation Two – If the receiver of the action in the particular sentence is name of a particular animal.

Situation Three – If the receiver of the action in the respective sentence is name of a particular place.

Situation Four – If the receiver of the action in the respective sentence is name of a specific object or thing.

Example – My father’s love for Reynolds pen is known to all.

Explanation –

Here, the object “Reynolds pen” is receiver of the action ‘love’ and it is a name of a specific thing. Thus, we can say that object in a sentence can be a ‘Proper Noun’.

How object nouns are related with proper nouns?

An object is a name of a specific living being or name of a specific non-living being which receives the action from the subject in the sentence. An object can be a noun or a pronoun.  There are various types of noun, like; proper noun, material noun etc. An object can be any of this “Object Nouns” or any “Object Pronoun”. Thus, we can say that all object nouns are not proper noun but some objects can be a “Proper Noun”.

Example One – The zip carried students to the pond for fishing.

Example Two – The zip carried Mina to the pond for fishing.

Explanation –

In the first example the object is “students” and it is a “Common Noun” while in the second example the object is “Mina” and it is a “Proper Noun”. Thus, we can say that an object of a sentence can be any form of the noun or pronoun and needs not to be always “Proper Noun”.

Difference between object nouns and proper nouns –

1st Difference – An “Object Noun” can be any form of the noun, like; common noun, material noun etc. while “Proper Noun” is one specific type of noun.

2nd Difference – Types of “Object Nouns” are vast while type of proper noun is narrow.

3rd Difference – All types of “Object Nouns” don’t start with capital letter but a “Proper Noun’ must always start with capital letter.

4th Difference – An “Object Noun” may be specific or not but a “Proper Noun” must always be specific.

Example One – Kanchenjunga attracts tourists with its magnificent ice packed peak.

Example Two – Kanchenjunga attracts Sandip with its magnificent ice packed peak.

Explanation –

All the words in both the examples are same except the object. The object of the first example is ‘tourists’ and the object of the second example is ‘Sandip’. The first example is carrying a “Common Noun” as its object while the second example is carrying a “Proper Noun” as its object.

Examples of objects as proper nouns –

Example 1 – My son brought a Nataraj pencil from the stationary shop.

Explanation – Here, we can mark that object “Nataraj pencil” as a ‘Proper Noun’ because the object “Nataraj Pencil” is receiver of the action and it is a name of a specific “Stationary Brand”.

Example 2– Sandip is continuously gazing Rina in a loving way.

Explanation – Here, we can mark that object “Rina” as a ‘Proper Noun’ because the object “Rina” is receiver of the action and it is a name of a particular ‘Human being’.

Example 3 – Pijush is carrying Bumba to a veterinary doctor.

Explanation – Here, we can mark that object “Bumba” as a ‘Proper Noun’ because the object “Bumba” is receiver of the action and it is a name of a specific pet.

Example 4 – I am not taking Maira with me for the dinner party.

Explanation – Here, we can mark that object “Maira” as a ‘Proper Noun’ because the object “Maira” is receiver of the action and it is a name of a particular ‘Human being’.

Example 5 – Pijush is blaming Rina for his failure in dual dance performance.

Explanation – Here, we can mark that object “Rina” as a ‘Proper Noun’ because the object “Rina” is receiver of the action and it is a name of a particular ‘Human being’.

Example 6 – Raja is carrying Mohini to the school in his bike.

Explanation – Here, we can mark that object “Mohini” as a ‘Proper Noun’ because the object “Mohini” is receiver of the action and it is a name of a particular ‘Human being’.

Example 7 – Samaresh defeated Dimpi in the chess competition.

Explanation – Here, we can mark that object “Dimpi” as a ‘Proper Noun’ because the object “Dimpi” is receiver of the action and it is a name of a particular ‘Human being’.

Example 8 – Abhishek cuddled Manjira to celebrate his success because she is his mother and partner of all his success.

Explanation – Here, we can mark that object “Manjira” as a ‘Proper Noun’ because the object “Manjira” is receiver of the action and it is a name of a particular ‘Human being’.

Example 9 – We are honouring the dog Shimba for its courage to protect the society from thieves.

Explanation – Here, we can mark that object “Shimba” as a ‘Proper Noun’ because the object “Shimba” is receiver of the action and it is a name of a specific dog.

Example 10 – Rina is protecting Mira from the aggression of her boss.

Explanation – Here, we can mark that object “Mira” as a ‘Proper Noun’ because the object “Mira” is receiver of the action and it is a name of a particular ‘Human being’.

Conclusion –

It doesn’t matter if a proper noun in a particular sentence has been placed as a subject or object but a proper noun must be specific in its group and capitalized in its first letter.