Is Participle A Verb : 11 Facts You Should Know

Here participles are described on their function being a verb. The past as well as the present participles can be used as verbs.

Participles are parts of speech derived from verbs. Many of them do the function of main verbs with the help of auxiliary verbs. They can be used in the roles of adjectives, adverbs, nouns etc..

What Is Participle Verb ?

Participle is actually a word derived from a verb to be used for various purposes. Usually it is used as adjectives. They can be perfect or even continuous.

Eg: They have a luggage covered with stickers.

In this sentence covered is a past participle ending in –ed and is used as an adjective in this sentence.

The fridge was filled with tantalizing food.

Here tantalizing is also an adjective.

Participles are also parts of speech. As they have come up from verbs, they look a lot like those verbs. By adding –ing to the root verb we get present participle and if endings are –ed, -d, -n, -en, -t then we get past participle form.

Are All Participles Verbs ?

Participles are also parts of speech. But they are different from the normal parts of speech. They resemble the verb because they have their root form from the verb.

Participles are usually used in sentences in the function of adjectives . Mostly it ends in either –ing or –ed.  It shows an action only because the participles have got its base from the action verb.

If a verb ends in –ing and is used with an auxiliary , it is a present participle. If with the help of an helping verb, the verb ends in –ed, it is a past participle. When present participle is used to show a action that is continuing, the past participle shows something that is completed.

Eg: Babysitting needs patience and love.

Here babysitting being a present participle has become the main verb.

She has an engaging walk with her friend.

Here the present participle  engaging joins with verb walk to show an ongoing action.

The past participles usually ends in –ed, -d, -t, -en or –n. It shows a completed action or an ongoing action. It is used as an adjective.

Eg: The arrogant  child took a long time to calm herself.

Here arrogant becomes the past participle.

Can A Participle Be The Main Verb ?

If a participle follows a linking verb and shows an action, then it is the main verb of the sentence. If a present or past participle can function as a main verb. In such situations the present or past participles need help like was playing, has taken, will have played etc..

Eg:  They have taken the things away.

Here have taken becomes present participle as the main verb.

They have been taken the cards away.

Here been taken turns out to be a past participle used as the main verb.

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Is A Participle The Same As A Verb ?

Participles grow from the root verb and it is used to function as an adjective, noun or main verbs. Participles are not tenses. They are verb forms that can be used in past and perfect tenses.

Eg: Swimming was their favourite hobby

Here swimming is a present participle with ending in –ing but is used as a noun.

The broken chair made the teacher confused.

Here broken is the past participle used as adjective.

What Is A Present Participle Verb ?

Present participle verbs ends in –ing usually when it is used as an adjective. It shows a continuous action. For example, the verbs cycling in she was cycling is a present participle verb.

Eg: They were practicing salsa for a long time.

Here practicing  is a present participle used as verb.

Are Present Participles Verbs ?

Not all present participles are used as verbs. They can be used as nouns and adjectives  also. The only thing is that present participles end in –ing.

Eg: Meditating relaxes the human mind.

In this sentence meditating being a present participle takes up the role of noun.

The auditing members did a great work.

In this sentence auditing is a present participle that describes the noun and so it functions as an adjective.

How Do You Do Present Participle Verbs ?

Present participles are made by adding –ing to the root form of the verb. Present participles have different functions like they can be used as adjectives, nouns or even main verbs. In all the functions, they have endings in –ing.

Eg: Cooking is easy for whoever enjoys it.

In this sentence cooking is actually a  present participle that is used as a noun .

The practicing group members were given a party.

Here practicing is present participle used as adjective.

They are playing cricket.

Here playing is present participle used as main verb.

How Do You Tell If A Verb Is A Participle ?

If a form of “be” is followed by the –ing form of a verb, it is the present participle in the sentence. If the verb has ending in –ed, -d, -en, -n, and  -t,  it is the past participle of the sentence. All other verbs in its root forms are simple verbs.

Eg: They are squeezing the tube.

Here are is a form of be and it is followed by root verb squeeze with an –ing ending. So here the verb is a present participle.

They have taken the packages.

Here have is a form of be and root verb take is followed with an ending –en. This case makes it clear that the verb is a past participle.

 Do Participles Always Have A Helping Verb ?

Even though participles are verb forms, they are incomplete. So if present participles have to function as main verbs, they use the help of helping verbs. Even a past participle does the same.

Eg: Hurrying towards the spot the crowd got into a flow.

Here hurrying is a present participle ending in –ing but as it is used as noun ,

They are living here.

Here are is a helping verb, live is the root verb ending in –ing and is used as main verb.

19+Participle Verb Examples

The burning pancakes really made the kids silent.

In this sentence, burning is a present participle that is used as an adjective.

The statue wearing a coat is awesome.

Here wearing is the present participle that acts as the adjective.

The burnt chappatis made the child sad.

In this sentence burnt is  a past participle but it functions as an adjective.

The boiling water was too hot to even go near .

Here boiling is the present participle acting as the adjective.

The broken glass made a cut on the child’s hand.

In this sentence, broken is a past participle but it is used as an adjective.

Batting is easy for that two year kid.

Here batting is the present participle used as the noun.

Heavy packaging was assigned to the new comers.

Here packaging is the present participle acting as the main verb.

The screwed paintings were stripped off the wall.

In this sentence screwed is the past participle used as an adjective.

The sleepy boy got up from his sleep.

Here sleepy is used as an adjective.

Training the new joinees were not easy.

Here training is the present participle used as the noun of the sentence.

The teaching sector was so structured.

Teaching is the present participle used as adjective in the sentence.

The rushing crowd got into the whole mall.

Here rushing is  a present participle that is used as an adjective in this sentence.

Rattling sounds could be heard at night.

Rattling is the present participle used as the noun of the sentence.

The playing children were so lost in the games.

Playing is the adjective role taken by the present participle.

The dog barked at the staring strangers.

Here staring is the present participle used as adjective.

The laughing clown made everyone laugh.

Laughing is the adjective which is a present participle.

The police continued heavy charging  at the protestants.

Here charging is a present participle as adjective.

Everyone has a struggling time in their life.

Struggling is a present participle used as adjective.

Roaming with everyone is not acceptable.

Here roaming is actually a present participle which is used as a noun in this sentence.

The giggling students were sent out of the class.

Here giggling is the adjective which is actually a present participle.

19+Past Participle Verb Examples

The red football team had played their match .

Here played is past participle with helping verb had. So past participle is the main verb.

The sweeped floor was shining.

Here sweeped is the past participle used as adjective.

The sun had risen early today.

Here risen is the past participle with helping verb had and so it is used as the main verb in the sentence.

The delivered packages were all spoiled.

Here delivered is the past participle.

They were taken back seeing the scene.

Here taken is the past participle with helping verb were. So past participle is used as main verb.

He had written a story.

Here written is the past participle with the helping verb had. So written is used as main verb.

The published article had got lot of comments.

In this sentence published is a past participle but it is used as an adjective.

The cooked food was so delicious.

Here cooked is the past participle and is used as the adjective.

He had played tennis yesterday.

Here played is a past participle with helping verb had and so past participle is used as main verb.

The cooled ice cream was so refreshing.

Cooled is the past participle used as adjective.

They have pointed the mistakes out.

Pointed is the past participle with helping verb have so it is used as main verb

The slayed goat lay on the ground unattended.

Here slayed is the past participle used a s adjective.

The injured patients were rushed to the hospital.

In this sentence, injured is the past partciciple being used as adjective.

Baffled  at the show the magician was greatful to the boy who came to help.

Baffled  is a past participle used at the beginning of the sentence but it functions as adjective in the sentence.

Having rocked at the show Rahul felt happy.

Here rocked is past participle.

The boy was amazed to see the enormous snake.

Amazed is the past participle here.

The kids had howled so loudly.

In this sentence, howled is a past participle verb functioning as the main verb.

The checked marksheets were distributed.

Checked is a past participle as the adjective.

The annoyed parents came up to question the principal.

Annoyed is the past participle of the sentence functioning as the adjective.

He had striked the ball so hard.

Striked is the past participle.


To brief up, the usage and formation of present and past participles are explained here. Participles are formed by adding –ing endings to the root verb and past participles are formed by adding –ed, -d, -en, -t to the end of root verbs. Participles can do the functions of nouns, adjectives and main verbs