Melting Point And Density:3 Facts You Should Know

Melting point and density are both important physical properties that a substance possesses. Both play a major role in the transition of substances from one to the other. The values of melting point and density are different for every object, and both can have minor effects on one another.

What is Melting Point?

A melting point is a range of temperature points at which the substance undergoes a phase change. In detail, if we try to define the melting point, it is specified as the temperature of heat at which the objects are in their specific phase.

It will change to become a more disordered state.

melting point and density
Image Credit: Pixabay free image

Does density affect melting point?

Density is not the major factor affecting any material’s melting point. The melting point is almost the same as that of the sublimation of heat.

The material’s density and melting point work in co-relation with one another, i.e., if both of these physical properties have high value, then it results in low reactivity.

Do denser objects have a higher melting point?

The density of an object or variation in the dense nature of the material has something to do with melting temperature. It depends on the component it is made up of, and it may lead to immediate changes in the substance, i.e., when melting temperature increases, the result is reducing in density.

It is true for some objects with a liquid density; in such cases, the pressure has a certain high value that leads to a decrease in melting point.

Plastic material density and melting point

Below are lists of different plastic material and their melting points.

SL.NOType of PlasticMelting Point Range
1Polypropylene (copolymer)200-280
2Nylon 6250-290
3Nylon 11220-250
4Polypropylene (30% GF)250-290
5PVC – Polyvinyl chloride160-290
6ABS/PC Alloy245-265
7High-Density Polyethylene210-270
8Low-Density Polyethylene180-240
9Polyester PBT240-275
10Cellulose Acetate Butyrate170-240
melting point and density
Image Credit: Pixabay free image

What are the important factors that affect the melting point of a solid?

The major factors that affect the melting point of a solid are as listed below,

  • The first and foremost factor is the temperature of the heat
  • Pressure is one more factor that results in the phase transition
  • Time is taken for the melting point to occur
  • The density of the solid
  • Intermolecular forces
melting point and density
Image Credit: Pixabay free image

How are density and melting points related to one another?

Density and melting point are related to one another through intermolecular forces. Along with the periodic table, we can observe that the density of each substance will lower as we go below the table. In contrast, the melting point varies from one to another randomly.

The density is not the major affecting factor that alters the characteristics of the melting point.

How does density and melting point affect reactivity?

Both density and melting point are inversely proportional to reactivity. If a substance’s density and melting point are high, it leads to low reactivity.

In contrast, if both density and melting point have low values, it results in higher reactivity. The melting point is the same as that of sublimation, and density indicates the ionization energy.

Is density directly proportional to the melting point?

The density of any object is found to be directly proportional to the melting point of that substance. If any material has more density, it requires a higher temperature to change its transition from a difficult phase to a liquid phase.

As these physical properties have some connection, we can infer that density and melting point are directly proportional.

What are the important facts about the melting point?

The list of important facts about the melting point is given below,

  • It is a certain temperature at which an object’s phase change occurs.
  • At this temperature, the two phases involved (solid and liquid) will be at an equilibrium point.
  • The temperature of the material rises to a certain value until the shape change occurs.
  • The heat rage of the object is an important factor.
  • Density is an important factor that is related to variation in melting point.

Does density change with melting?

The density of any material always changes with variation in melting point. To calculate the density of certain substances made up of a liquid or solid, we sometimes use the factor of melting point.

It is observed that after several determinations made by experiments, the object’s density change is seen when an increase in melting point is found to be 9±1 %.

Do all the minerals present in the environment have the same melting temperature?

It is not possible for every mineral found in our surroundings to have the same melting temperature. For example, if we consider different types of rock, the rock is composed of various elements with specific melting temperatures; and elts only on attaining that temperature.

Depending on its components, there may be low melting temperatures or even higher melting points.

What kind of properties are density and melting point?

Both melting point and density belong to a specific property of any object known as physical property, which generally refers to measurable and observable quantity. Usually, physical property is defined as the character of any material that is measured without altering its identity.

Along with melting point and density, we can find many other physical properties present in the material.

Some important facts on the relationship between melting point and density

The important facts on the relationship between melting point and density are listed below;

  • If any substance possesses a higher melting temperature and density, it results in low reactivity of the object.
  • Similarly, if any substance possesses a lower melting temperature and density, it results in high reactivity of the object.
  • Density is not considered the major characteristic that defines and affects the melting point.
  • Along with the periodic table, we can observe that the density of each substance will lower as we go below the table. In contrast, the melting point varies from one to another randomly.
  • Intermolecular attractions are the major factors that influence the melting temperature of a material.
  • Both together gives the structure of the chemical reactivity of a substance.
  • Both give the value of a qualitative controller that specifies the nature of reactivity.


Therefore, we can tell that the melting point or melting temperature of certain substances and their density will have some factor interlinking. They are, in some cases, vary directly from one another. Hence melting point and density can be taken as the important physical characteristic.

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